mcintosh said she heard the shots ring out over a

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Offensive line is also mostly intact. Center David Andrews is back after spending 2019 on injured reserve. He is joined by fellow multiyear starters LG Joe Thuney and RG Shaq Mason. "Most of the time we don lock the doors."McIntosh said she heard the shots ring out over a period of 20 or 30 minutes."I feel awful for this family, how heartbreaking. It just horrible," she said, adding she was also afraid for herself."I was afraid for us. I didn know when it was going on if there was a shooter running around the neighbourhood trying to hide, maybe they would come kick through our door?"Carol Gibson, who lives down the street from the crime scene, said she was startled awake by the incident."The first shot woke me up, and then I heard about four or five more after that," Gibson said in an interview.
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